What if Christopher Columbus never discovered the New World and we still believed the world was flat? What if we never had space exploration? How limited would our thinking be? What if we continued to believe people were witches when all along it was mental illness and it couldn’t be helped? Discoveries literally changed the way we viewed the world. They enriched our lives, lengthened our lives, and improved our quality of life. The naysayers were proved wrong. Countless myths were dispelled. People were vindicated. Those individuals who committed their lives to finding the truth faced a tough battle. But their perseverance paid off. They changed the course of history. What was once considered different or non-traditional became the norm or standard. This same philosophy can be said for the field of chiropractic. Doctors of Chiropractic were commonly referred to as “quacks”, “back crackers”, or even a “fake doctor.” The reality is that the truth about these pioneers in wellness care is changing the way people take care of themselves. Healthcare is changing from disease care to wellness care.
Wellness care means digging beyond the symptoms and searching for the cause of the symptoms. It does not mean relying on prescription medications or over the counter drugs to mask the symptoms. It means understanding the cause so the symptoms are resolved. It means searching for the truth in a sea of revenue generating pharmaceuticals. That’s not to say that there is not a place for pharmaceuticals, only that it should not be the first choice in care.
Education is key to this way of thinking, to this way of viewing the world. Look to first hand accounts of success people have had with chiropractic care. Seek out testimonials of those who count a chiropractor as a professional they see just like their dentist. A chiropractor is in the business of keeping you well. Consider it preventative maintenance. Change your perspective on life. Take the road less traveled and reap the rewards of living a higher quality of life with chiropractic care.
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