You may be familiar with this saying regarding the purchase of a new car, “the value of a new car depreciates as soon as you drive it off the lot.” While the depreciation of a car can be somewhat excessive, this philosophy also relates to other areas of life as well. For example, clothing, appliances, food, and shoes. The same can also be applied to the human body, too, for as we age we are never as new as the moment we are born.
With the passing of each year and the countless milestones we reach comes the guarantee of wear and tear on our body. It could be cuts, bruises, scars, or broken bones. If we stop to think about the cumulative effect of daily living since the moment of our birth until now, we can probably say with absolute certainty that our body is very much like the Timex watch, “it takes a licking but keeps on ticking.”
Now what about our adolescence? Think about the sports played during this time of life. Football, basketball, lacrosse, rugby, volleyball, wrestling, hockey. Many of these sports require excessive physical contact. The impact on a young person’s body is significant. Yet time and again, our kids bounce back up and jump back in the game. Now let’s add carrying that backpack every day. What about the use of technology and the impact on the neck? It may be safe to say that during adolescence we put our bodies through the wringer.
It’s important to remember the cumulative effect of these types of injuries and lifestyle. It has been documented that headaches are actually caused primarily by tight muscles in the neck, shoulders and even the jaw. The fascia is the very thin tissue that encloses the muscle. This fibrous tissue is also tight as well. Over time, the injuries sustained in our adolescence further weakens our fascia, as does the process of aging. But it is the injuries themselves the increases the weakness factor.
To protect our youth from experiencing chronic pain, arthritis, or joint pain a proactive approach is essential. Regular visits to a chiropractor can help your child’s body stay in alignment, reducing inflammation from irritated nerves. Incorporating therapeutic massage helps as well. Focusing on the tight muscles and fascia that can typically be found in the neck, shoulders, and upper back area. A little preventative maintenance now will help offset the injuries an adolescent body sustains, even when they are unaware their body has been hurt. Much like seeing a dentist regularly to prevent cavities and to ensure a healthy smile as we age, the same is true of chiropractic care. A little will go a long way to ensuring our kids can truly enjoy their golden years pain-free.
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