In the field of law there are attorneys. Just as in the field of medicine there are doctors. However, within each field there are countless specialties. In law, there are attorneys that specialize in real estate transactions, divorce, legal defense, prosecution, corporate, and tax. With medicine, there are doctors that specialize in pediatrics, cancer, surgery, heart, female reproduction, and trauma. It is good to have specialities because when there is a specific problem, we want a specific answer, not generalities. When it comes to our health, we know preventative is best. But there are inevitably times when that doesn’t happen and we get sick or injured. Sometimes when that happens there is a ripple effect. Symptoms may be alleviated, but the underlying problem may persist. The good news is that with our overall wellness, there are doctors that focus on finding the root cause of the problem and preventing future problems. One of those doctors is a Doctor of Chiropractic.
What many people don’t realize is that a Doctor of Chiropractic chooses this field of practice because he or she believes in a holistic approach to a person’s health. Each part of a person is intimately connected – mentally, physically, emotionally. What happens to one part of us affects all the others. We cannot separate things into compartments. Chiropractors also believe that prescription medications tend to mask the underlying problem and have the potential to create other problems for the person down the road, too. Chiropractors work tirelessly to resolve the root cause of the problem, whether it’s pain, discomfort, lack of mobility or flexibility, migraines, fatigue, or inflammation. If you have never been treated by a chiropractor this may sound counterintuitive to what we have been exposed to in the media and press with respect to what one might call “modern day medicine.” You needn’t look too far to find countless advertisements for prescription medications offering a solution to various health ailments. But do they always solve the true cause of your problem?
Chiropractic care is a comprehensive approach to the overall wellness of the entire individual. It seeks to understand, then provide a solution to the real problem. It finds the cause.