Just the other week, the Today Show featured a segment on aging. It pointed out that as our life expectancy continues to rise, so does our ability to stay active longer. This particular segment suggested not only is “60 is the new 40,” but that 60 is now considered middle-aged because there is a lot of living still to do once a person reaches the age of 60. Living a healthy lifestyle certainly has contributed to this trend, as well as the advances made in both medicine and technology. And what an incredible gift that is considering not too long ago the age of 60 meant you were ancient!
The best news is that retirement can be that much more fulfilling because if our body is well cared for, we can do the things we truly enjoy like:
- travelling
- hiking
- golfing
- tennis
- gardening
- dancing
- yoga
- Zumba
- walking
- swimming
Retirement is that time in our lives where we can finally focus on ourselves once again, after raising a family and building our professional lives. So, planning for that phase is key to enjoying it fully. In the Sunday, April 19, 2015 Cincinnati Enquirer, there was a full-page article on getting fit for an active retirement, stating that travelling and socializing are much easier if you are in shape. The article suggested that many “people are planning ahead for their physical fitness in retirement just as they plan for their financial fitness.” What good is it if we have the financial means to retire but can’t enjoy it?
Another benefit to being fit after 60 is a significant reduction in chronic conditions plus better mental health, which means less money paid for healthcare. Staying active and eating right contribute to maintaining a healthy weight and a sharper mind. A sedentary lifestyle of poor eating habits does just the opposite, causing an increase in weight and the development of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems.
Take control of your future with a plan, but resist the urge to overdo it because you think you can get fit faster. That is a recipe for injury. If your weight and overall fitness is less than ideal today, remember that it didn’t happen overnight – reaching your fitness goals won’t happen that way either. Be proactive and commit to yourself now so you can savor the rewards of retirement.