a chiropractic adjustment can help minimize your health concerns.
Aches and pains. The older we get, the more we seem to have them. Some we know the reason why, but some we don’t. Raking leaves means our back will ache the next. But, what if we wake up one morning and suddenly have pain radiating from our shoulder and don’t know why?
Recently, I had an experience like that. While getting myself ready one morning I felt a sharp pain to the right of my sternum as I was putting a necklace on. It hurt when I inhaled and bent over to put my shoes on. The mind begins to race when we have unexplained pain. We begin to think about all the things it could be – cancer, heart attack, stroke, aneurysm – lots of bad things. It’s a natural reaction and I did the same thing.
The pain continued throughout the morning. Shortly before noon I asked Dr. Damron what it could be that was causing my chest to hurt, especially when I inhaled. Without hesitation he responded, “Oh, you have a rib out of place.” I looked at him in disbelief. He then added, “This is common, but fixable.” A chiropractic adjustment was my solution. Immediately following the adjustment I noticed an improvement in my pain level. Dr. Damron told me that I would be sore for the rest of the day but should be much better the following morning. He was right.
I was sore for the rest of the day, but it was much more manageable. I also wasn’t worried it was some life threatening disease. The next morning I was pain-free. It was relief to know that the pain had an explanation and it was addressed rather quickly with an adjustment. How many times do we find ourselves going to various doctors to determine the cause of our pain? Think of the costs involved. At DCW established patients receive same day care and better results.
It doesn’t get any better than that.