Hindsight is 20/20, right? You know that because you’ve heard people say, “if only I knew then what I know now.” Many times our own ignorance prevents us from considering other options to make a better decision. We are content with the status quo. In the field of chiropractic, it’s those hindsight people who find themselves seeking care from a chiropractor. These individuals realize that they initially let their preconceived ideas lead them down the wrong path of care. The price paid for this choice was a misdiagnosis, money, time, and experiencing pain longer than necessary.
The point of this post is to emphasize a basic fact of human nature. We are much more cynical than we realize. Take, for example, the presidential debates. It was obvious that no one was listening to the other. There are many “great divides” out there from:
- political parties
- religions
- schools
- countries
- medicine
Depending on how we were raised and our life experiences, we may significantly limit ourselves by sticking with what we know rather than challenging the status quo. Imagine if the status quo was never challenged as we look back over history. The New World would never have been discovered, electricity would not have been invented, man would never have landed on the moon nor taken flight. Not accepting the status quo, or majority thinking, means dealing with people who oppose what you are doing. It means taking what is known and dispelling what was believed to be true. Imagine how much courage it took to continue on anyways.
Chiropractic is a field many consider to challenge the status quo. Modern medicine dominates our lives. While modern medicine has done incredible things, it has also completely overshadowed the benefits of other forms of health care. This dominance has created a mindset that accepts modern medicine as the status quo, questioning anything that is conflicting, like chiropractic. But just like Christopher Columbus, Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers, and Neil Armstrong, the world became a better place. Mankind’s quality of life improved. Benefits were gained that were not realized before. The field of chiropractic is the same type of scenario.
More and more people recognize the need to advocate for themselves. Doing so changes their mindset on what it means to be truly healthy. Challenge the status quo when it comes to chiropractic care and you can change your world.