There are many lessons in life to learn. Some we learn very early in life. How many times did we need to touch a hot surface to know not to touch it again? Chances are just once. Some lessons in life that take a bit longer to learn. The reasons could range from sheer stubbornness, ignorance, luck, or disinterest. Still, there comes a time when we realize that learning the lesson is inevitable. When we are ready and willing to learn and grow from our mistakes. And while the message may not be new to us, we finally actually hear it. It somehow resonates deep within us. It compels us to change.
Finally hearing what has been told to us countless times really comes down to the messenger and where we are at with our life. Why do we shut down as adolescents when our parents dispense advice but then absorb every word when a good friend says the same thing? Our parents may have more wisdom, but we hear what our friend says.
Most, if not all, of us have learned what it means to live a healthy lifestyle, even it we are not living it right now. We may have seen countless advertisements, commercials, books, videos, articles, all with the same core message. If a majority of our society is overweight or obese then we have to wonder who’s hearing the message. However, there usually comes a tipping point in everyone’s life where they do finally hear the message regarding living a better life. Perhaps it was a success story from someone we know or a personal connection we made with a new acquaintance. What changed? We did.
Being ready for change is a process. While we might have always known it at a certain level we just weren’t open to it. Don’t be frustrated if you’re still waiting for that tipping point, for that compelling feeling to change. If you are reading this, you are in the process of getting ready for change. Be patient with yourself. One day you will wake up and know you are ready to play an active role in your quest to live a healthier lifestyle.